When someone who is not acquainted with the proper way to apply a choke during sex via the means of applying pressure to the carotid artery instead just jabs their thumb into their partners throat as if they are Kentucky Ballistics trying to survive a SLAP to the throat.
Thot 1: Ugh, my boyfriend doesn't know how to choke me properly. He just jabs his thumb into my neck.
Thot 2: Ah, the ole Kentucky Plug.
The Kentucky plug is a sex position in of which you but you thumb up the hole of which is in use a that time. It can also stop people from dying
“She was going to get that good old Kentucky Plug tonight”
When she's bleeding, and you put your thumb all the way in to stop it and save the night.
Reference to the accident Scott from KY Ballistics had with a .50, using his thumb to plug his jugular and save his life.
Him: To the bedroom?
Her: I'm on my period....
Him: Babe, you know I'm a master of the Kentucky Plug
Her: *visibly excited*
When you insert your thumb into an unsuspecting partner as they attempt to take a dump.
“She was squatting behind a tree when I creeped up behind her and gave her the old Kentucky plug”
It is when you pour ketchup onto your penis and have someone suck it off while you shove your thumb in to their ass
Smokey gave her a serious Kentucky Plug
Sex act where one sticks his or her thumb over their own jugular to stop blood flow during sex or masturbation, preferably done while orgasming. Based on Kentucky Ballistics' 50 BMG kaboom and life saving action of sticking his thumb in his jugular to make it to medical help.
"I thought I liked her already but when she Kentucky Plugged herself, I knew she was 'the one'."
Kentucky Plug is a sex act when one shoves their thumb up another's asshole or vagina. Was inspired by Kentucky Ballistics incident, where his RN-50 exploded and was forced to shove his thumb into his neck.
Tom: Hey you hear about that stripper?
Bob: Yeah, I gave her the Kentucky Plug.