the very best beer drinkers and weed smokers. they love having a beer and they are really weird and awkward. but incredibly handsome. everyone loves them...
wow that van der zee is verry awesomely weird...
~The Gatekeeper of Memes~
Also known as "Doctor Dark" in GTA
Person 1: Is that Mattijs Van Tiggel?
Person 2: You mean The Gatekeeper of Memes?
a boy who attends Marshall High school in his 3rd year. His well known trait is that he is a pussy. Ranks out each time his group of friends want to do something cool. A fanboy of the beatles thinking that they are the best. A loner, boring, dull, ranker, strange boy who looks at hentai and decideds to masterbathe.
person: hey luigi lets go smoke some weed
luigi: no. i dont want to get in trouble and besides i have to buy ice cream
A tall bloke with a massive cock and a sexy girlfriend
Wow look at that guy over there he is tall,has a fit gf and a large cock he must be called Connor van Dijk
A girl who is suprisingly difficult to describe with a few words. She is always caring, always loving and incredibly kind hearted. She is so beautiful that no word known to man can even start to encapture the degree to which she is perfect. She is known for her ability to drop jaws and make hearts skip a beat.
When I see Christi van Lill my mind struggles to realise that I am in fact awake and not only dreaming, one day I hope to make her part of my reality!
Een Kkr ezel uit almere, Een Almeerse pedo die ook lacking is. Hij is ook nog een bokoe
Je bent Mitchel Van Bochove kill
a van that users of 4chan tend to show up to the houses of those who disagreed with them and have intent have harm the aforementioned person who disagreed with them.
(usually happens after the disagreed person has their home address leaked on 4chan)
sane person (who somehow ended up on 4chan): hitler was a horrible person
sane person (who somehow ended up on 4chan): OH FUCK ITS THE 4CHAN COMBAT VAN AND THIS TIME THEY HAVE ASSULT RIFLES!
sane person (who somehow ended up on 4chan): *starts loading FA03 with intent to defend his/her fort*