The sexual act of pulling your arm back and punching your fist up your partners anus in a celebratory manner. The arm must be inserted up to the elbow or it is only considered a Bill Murray swirly. This is usually accompanied by a reach around.
Yo bro. I gave Jenna the a Tiger Fist Pump last night after we finished the Panamanian Petting Z
The Panzerkampfwagen was a heavy tank and for some reason seen as the only tank in the German Army which is also seen as the best tank in the world which honestly isn't true this tank in early war It was pretty good out ranging its enemies and being able to TANK a few hits, but in mid war its non-slopped armor was really catching up the Tiger still it's 88mm was holding his own in late war this thing was shit.
Person 2: King tiger maybe lmao Tiger I sucked the Panther was better, so was the King Tiger for it was FUCKING SLOPED
Good at football knowledges but always misses 1v1 against the goalkeeper. Even missed against the open net. Can be regarded as a flop striker.
"Hey, Ryan (Mighty Red Tiger) just missed an open net"
"He's a flop and quite noob"
Tiger Bitch is a girl that while having sex cowgirl style bounces up and down with maximum velocity.
"My new girlfriend is a Tiger Bitch, I can hardly contain myself once she starts!"
The species named after Ryan Herr. Famously coined "gangle tooth tiger" by an Italian explorer based off this really SPECIAL specimen who's teeth are gangly, yellow, and rotted out from to much ketamine and Molly and not enough before and after care. This rare SPECIAL species can be found in the pacific northwest lounging around simping for thots in the rave scene. But no sane thot would fall for the trap of the gangle tooth tiger. Beware of anything you may post, specifically self explanatory comments. It very well may 99% of the time misunderstand context and display inability to conversate without looking like a complete reeee.
Man: that British man sure looks like a ryan herr.
Rave girl: you mean a gangle tooth tiger🐅 🐯?
a sarcastically misspelt name of the Indian actor Tiger Shroff (usually used in memes).
Person 1: Who is that handsome actor?
Person 2: Tiger staff.
Verb - The act of dropping so much densely packed information on someone at once that they are completely overloaded and rendered unable to perform higher brain functions for a temporary time. The individual being Tiger Kinged usually is not expecting to be mentally crushed by so much densely packed information and is not prepared, such that the sheer mental processing power that it takes to unpack everything renders them in a state of shock and at times stupidity for an hour or so after while they digest everything to make sense of it.
Rio: Have you seen Netflix's Tiger King yet?
Tim: Honestly, after the first two episodes, I felt stupid af while my brain processed all of that info. I mean, in two episodes you introduce me to a gay af country-ass tiger trainer who has TWO husbands, this one dude got NO teeth and nipple piercings, OK? Oh yea, and NEITHER of them are gay! Then this girl Carole maybe (definitely!) murdered her husband and fed him to the tigers?! And there's this Hindu guru follower guy with a beer belly and a pony tail named Doc who has SEVEN??? wives? WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK. So yea, my brain needs a LONG minute to process all of this. I'm taking the rest of the day easy. Believe that.
Rio: omg that happened to me too! lol We got Tiger Kinged!
Tim: lol absolutely