At April 15th. Thats the day of "E Girl Day" Where you Become a egirl
Hey Bro Its E Girl Day. Lets Dress up as egirls!
Her tits
Person 1:look at that girl
Person 2:look at her little girls
The annoying girl in your class that does nothing but tell stories, she is also emo and talks about how bad her life is.
Mackenzie is such a stories girl.
Pretending to like someone and then talking shit about them behind their backs
James: oh hey Tyler
Tyler: oh hey we should link up later
James: alright bro I'll hit you up tomorrow
*tyler leaves*
James: Fuck Tyler hes a bitch
Stranger: man that's some white girl friendly shit
They are most likely bi sexual and want to do a threesome
Sally and Jen these 2 girls buy you a green shirt then we fucked
they are all very dramatic. they always try to ruin close friend groups. most of them look like horses but think they can get whatever guy they want. they are all big time HOES. they try to pull guys from adair and salina but can’t because they are too scared to talk to them. they try to steal each other bfs. they will try to pull guys from any school at every sporting event. they like to hit on guy of any age. they all they’re all athletic as but in reality the only reason they start is because they make their mommy’s go cry to the school. when they get in trouble they blame it on another girl for being a bad influence. they ruin relationships. they get mad at other girls for even just looking at their bfs. they are obsessed with all the freshman boys. they think 7th graders are hot. some of them don’t have any friends because they start too much drama with everyone. their only friends are their mommy’s and their cousins.
geez pjh 8th girls are all hoes.
Com women are money whores who get on cam for men who are specifically into girls who infantilised themselves or got a huge rape fetish. They also got a HUGGGEEE asian infantilisation fetish. these dudes tend to own usernames on multiple social media platforms that are considered “clean” looking. An example of a username is @emo on twt or @villian on ig. these usernames cost a lot of money, and whoever buys these types of username develop a status in the com world. Com women look into traits like that when it comes to their love interest. They usually look above average but a lot of them are fat and white women who pretend to be asian. These girls get NOT light money but multiple bands from these dudes who commit crimes online. They would pee on camera, eat their shit, stick a knife up their vagina, stuff a cucumber up their butthole from the fridge and putting it back in the fridge for their family to eat later. Or just esex. Com women plays a part to either milk their com men or become a famous onlyfans girl. they are a different league when it comes to egirls. You can only convince these women to date u if you have money.
lol that com girl got on cam for a cornball
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