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Big Mac and small fries

Three midgets standing on each other’s shoulders wearing a trench coat to look like a tall guy.

This 7ft tall fella pushed in front of me in the queue. I thought,”he’s a giant! I ain’t gonna mess with him!”. Then the coat buttons came undone and three dwarves tumbled out! That Big Mac and small fries ran out quick fast!

by Nuphagus December 20, 2019

Big Jake’d

When somebody makes someone drive to a restaurant so they can eat in front of them

Dude you just got Big Jake’d

by Josh 1578 April 26, 2018

big chuggers

big chungus but funnier

big chuggers poopy stupid

by BiggieDawg September 13, 2020

big stupid fucking dumbass

a big stupid fucking dumbass is someone who is stupid and a dumbass thus requiring the term big stupid fucking dumbass

that kid over there is a big stupid fucking dumbass

by iongaf January 21, 2025

Big D and Lyin R

Weird ignorant freak sideshow clowns

Wow. Big d and lyin R and weird ignorant freak sideshow clowns

by Toom29 July 22, 2022

corny big

corny big is a snack just like u;)

i could eat a corny big

by Qwë August 30, 2021

big bomboclat

biggest bomboclat ever


by slickbacker December 6, 2023