Oxford girls are hot chicks that can steal your manz, super smart, cool, chill, and would be better than your past girlfriends
Oxford girls play the hottest sports and they got ass
The Abortion activist who enjoy killing their unborn children. Most are players in the PAL.
(Professional Abortion League)
Yeah. You can tell the these women have no kids, just look at their hips, omg, it's a Proud Girls rally. Get outta here, they kill kids and we're kids!!
Someone that is grown on the surface, but is a child and a clown beneath the surface facade.
He just got stole on by the reverse man child/girl child.
SOUJA girl is a broke depressed bitch but she do got hella swag and she be making me cum
The most HORRIBLE sequel ever created. Did they REALLYYY NEEEEED to remake it? No.
I watched Mean Girls 2 and it was the worst sequel/remake to a iconic movie I’ve ever seen.
A guy who surrounds himself with girls.
Mark is a girl charger. He always has hot girls around him.
harlem is a very funny person , she tells jokes that will make you laugh all day . she is good at basketball and she won’t hesitate to beat ass if she is messed with . she is also very pretty and gets all the nikkas
ouuu harlem girl you so tea today .!