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A short piece of shit worth nothing more than than diarrhoea

Hey look there's a piece of Kyle

by Yourmomlovesthis March 11, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Kyle is a type of surfer dude. Either that, a misfit, a "dude", or a red head. All particularly not very good.

"What the FUCK is up KYLE no what did you say WHAT THE FUCK DUDE STEP THE FUCK UP KYLE"

by fantae November 24, 2018

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Man in the shadows

Boys I think Iโ€™m being chased by a Kyle

by Night Goan sex October 21, 2018

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A guy who cares for no one but himself and is a human virsion of a fox ( a sly creature.)

Kyle is anoying

by Dragonslayer190 April 23, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


a kyle is a rare form of retardation, when encountering one you must be very careful as most encounters are unpleasant due to his high levels of toxicness! you also might want to stay away unless you want gonorrhoea and bleading ears ( he canny fucken sing) you have been warned!

โ€œbeware of the kyleโ€

by scottishsket January 28, 2019

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Loves it deep in the butt

"That's a Kyle alright, he loves men!"

by Imjustthatguy313 November 23, 2016

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Kyle and Willy

Guys who love chicken wings, guys who love to go on long walks, guys who have been dating 6 months, guys who watch Family Guy, guys who are a great match, guys who really love each other.

Kyle and Willy are so cute.

by Someone not named Kyle ... May 10, 2011

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