to take out a close colleague by means of slander or factual leaks of information.
Tim Walz is about to be Bidened by Kamala Harris via the Main Stream Media publishing multiple articles and newscasters reiterating his past lies they tried to cover up before. Just like what happened to Biden a month ago.
1. State of being malfunction or paused.
2. Forgetting what was said a few seconds ago and stumbling over words.
My computer just got bidened.
I was bidening during the debate class.
I liar cheater an downright despicable human degenerate
Did you hear about Tony? The Biden cheated on his wife.
The president is a dirty Biden
ALSO accused of rape, shit-head what are you talking about? Because you care so much (except for when you need Trump to lose)
Hym "Biden ALSO was accused of rape, dummy. But there was not indictment so..."
Man who swears his uncle was eaten by cannibals.
President Biden, the military in fact has no record that your uncle was eaten by cannibals.
Biden: Cornpop is a bad dude.