A bug that nobody has any need/funds/decency to fix, so it's declared "visual", as in "you can see it, but we won't fix it."
"Yes, thank you for finding this bug. Since the bug is clearly visible, it's just a visual bug, and we think that's fine. Is there anything else we can help you with?" -- Tony2555, Customer Support
A crazy person but he is still your slatt.
I hate the way he acts but he is still my slatter bug
Someone that makes sure there friends get there’s before he gets his
I love hangin out with you because your a Bug-z type of friend..
this is used to refer to a bug in video games with light and shadow calculation, where a large surface appears as a shadow even though it is in bright light. This can happen for example in minecraft when large amounts of blocks are removed with commands.
there are loads of enemies, but I can't see them because they appear as the shadow realm bug.
Let's ride the tango train! No, let's ride the tumble bug!
A turtle with extraordinary traits thus garnering the name “goo goo bug”
“Alex’s turtle chuck is really such a Goo Goo Bug!”