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Love is something that can not be explained, something that comes automatically. Straight from the heart. You may cry or laugh about it but no matter what you still and will always have it for someone. Some people think that they can’t find someone to love and respect them no matter what. I found my person, my mom. Now I know what you’re thinking, what? She’s talking about her mom? Oh yeahhh I’m talking about my mom I love her even tho we just had a fight, I know she wants to say sorry :) even though I’m the one that needs to say sorry. ANYWAY!! Back to the thingy, so what I’m saying is no one loves you more than that one person you thought didn’t love you at all...

I love my mom! :)

by Heyyylolzzzz May 13, 2019


Samantha is in love with Taylor Lautner and she was born in 2004. Samantha love her best friends Maddy and Angel. There is a boy in her school that she fell in love with. She doesn't need a spell for a boy to fall in love.

Samantha is in love with Taylor Lautner.

by Hammy762 October 25, 2017


another word for pain, crying, sleepless nights, and being extremely vulnerable to the point where u end up shutting everybody out until they all leave you, but yea it feels pretty great guys

You: Jason finally said the L word!!
Me: Wow at least someone could pretend to love you, with me, they all just leave!

by i!pr0mise-im0kay October 14, 2021


Love means to understand, love grows over time...
Love can also be towards different people for example: you can love a person and not feel hate... hate is the opposite (you could say) of love and love is just a strong emotion of preserving, caring, and is full of feelings coming from within.

« I love these chips »
« oh god »

by !Julianne! November 9, 2018


The easiest thing to feel, but the hardest to describe. A feeling that warms the heart, but can diminish it too. It buries in your mind, it's visible through the beautiful jewels we call eyes, and the decision maker when you're near the person you fall for.

Someone loves you, I can see it.

by Джозеф December 7, 2016


Don't get it confused with caring. Just because they say it that doesn't mean they mean it or they care. Sometimes they are just saying it to make you happy , because they can't make themselves happy.

I love you ❤️

by Deepthoughtsatnight June 27, 2022


A magical thing that happens between two people

I love you so much that i can fly when you are around

by JMGirl December 20, 2015