Short for passive aggressive.
When you get pissed off but smile about it.
Caleb got really pass aggro on me when I sent the unfunny joke. Now he sent a smiley face back at me.
To pass a car in a fast way, not going slow
The Macro-passing dodge passed the semi at a fast speed passing quickly
a pass that keep children from going to the bathroom. many people are peeing on the floors. students have even created restrooms in the classroom out of buckets. the bin of scrap papers will be used as toilet paper
universal pass is a joke
When you're at the circle jerk and everyone changes from the right hand to the left (or vice versa)
A Paul Bunyan sat down next to me but thankfully there was a Passing the Olympic Torch
When something is so good you’d let someone fuck you in the ass to have it
Oh my gosh that carrot cake was definitely a fuck me in the ass pass
Similar to the tobacco-themed "take a break" saying, this phrase refers to an occasional interval during travel or work when anyone in the party who has previously been "holding it in" is now permitted to "let fly" as much as he/she desires, even if said eruptions are obscenely loud and/or odiferous. Further explanation unnecessary.
Hippie-bus driver: Okay, folks --- we're about to cross the Passagassawakeag bridge, so I'm lowering the windows --- feel free to pass it if you've got it!
a low pass aka lopez aka jlo is the action of passing a joint in a hidden way
low pass coming