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He's the guy with the impeccable timing

^ Teacher turned her back for like three seconds, and that's all I needed to copy every answer off nerdboy's exam sheet
> Dude! You're a regular Johnny-on-the-Spot
^ Fuckin' A!

by thurb March 31, 2023

dust spot

When an area covered by an object is left undisturbed for a period of time, this causes a spot where dust cannot reach

Man, these dust spots on this table are pretty deep

by Temp1337 October 31, 2020

X Marks The Spot

A new definition I made that I want to popularize: When a football / soccer player scores ten goals in a match it should be called X Marks The Spot

Recently a soccer female player scored ten goals for England

Vivianette: That's an X Marks The Spot

by JDR_96 April 9, 2022

spot hustle

The act of going to a location(s) with a guide and then proceeding to expose said location to the public. Spot hustling can occur with locations for any activity (fishing, chilling, skating, etc.).

I need to learn how to spot hustle these bitches to catch more fish

by sacky9000 June 12, 2018

Lazing on a G-spot money spurt.

Person who enjoys a strong, steady income for which he doesn't have to work. 'G-spot' here relating to a brawny and prolific current or stream or vein or artery - as in the mining or oil-rigging industry - the lucky son of a bitch has financially struck. The most descriptive metaphor here being probably nerve.

Ashley is found by his suit and tie-wearing friends on a weekday reclining beside his pool. After upbraiding him jealously for his indolence, which he clearly can afford, his friends, just before leaving, and vowing snippily never to visit him again, mutter among themselves that not everybody is 'lazing on a G-spot money spurt.'

by Bleypunkt April 29, 2009

at the spot

at the house

i’m back at the spot.

by December 7, 2020

at the spot

at the house

i’m back at the spot.

by December 7, 2020