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text bragging

When you are bragging about something in a social network (i.e. item farmed from some game in a facebook post) but the post lacks a snapshot to confirm it).

-He said he got the ants a-iso (marvel avengers alliance) but there's no snapshot.
-He is obviously text bragging!

by Lenny Palacio September 1, 2014

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blind texting

when you are texting on your phone, and hiding it from your friends, parents, teachers, etc.

I was blind texting today and spelled so many words wrong, that the recipient didn't understand the message!

by Jonathan "Johnny" Jones February 4, 2009

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mouth text

The act of talking shit through a mobile device or computer instead of in person

Girl: Look at this bitch using mouth text. She can't say this when she sees me

by Ghbc July 15, 2015

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Texting out

When one texts to ask out on a day or to be in a relationship rather than asking them out in person.

The act of texting someone of the opposite sex hoping to create a relationship.

Guy1: Hey man are you going to ask that girl out you met the other day.

Guy2: Yeah I am. Im texting out so many girls these days.

by AHA---->Delsie November 30, 2011

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text pas

when one makes a social gaff in a text message.

I was being ironic and he thought i was dead serious, i guess you would call it a text pas.

by spiro economopoulos July 11, 2008

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Boozey Text

The act of texting people you know after a night of drinking and wanting them to come to your house to continue to party.

Attention, "Boozey Text ", looking for people to come party at my house, see you soon.

by Drunk right now August 22, 2010

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stroke texting

writing a text message in perfect grammar up until the last sentance, in which the writer's grammar begins to deteriorate in order to fit the last few words into one textpage instead of going on to two text pages for the sake of a few characters.
i.e. shortening 'you' to 'u' and 'too' to '2'

"yeah man i just got some text from this bird, it was all like stroke texting towards the end"

by miaowmiaowmiaow February 16, 2009

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