Source Code

Red Bull Crush

After drinking a can of Red Bull, crushing the can due to the Popeye style effects gained from the canned beverage.

Popeye: "Fuck spinach, this red bull is the shit"

*Peforms Red Bull Crush*

by Popeye333 April 4, 2011

candy crush karma

The act of donating extra moves and/or lives on Candy Crush Saga to Facebook friends, particularly those that you don't like, thinking that the good karma will increase your ability to beat an especially difficult level of the game.

Amanda: "Sherida, what level of Candy Crush are you on?"

Sherida: "I'm stuck on 116, but I responded to a bunch of people's requests - so hopeflly that will improve my Candy Crush Karma."

Amanda: "That's a good idea, cuh!"

by ShayJ45 November 20, 2013

crushing mad box

When you are having continued success with ladies.

Dude, I've been crushing mad box lately must be this new aftershave.

by PlayerHaterFromTheRock January 21, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

long distance crush

The kinda mental illness that rips you apart from the inside. 'Tis an idiot that develops one, and yet anyone can fall prey.

Either you move on, or wait until you can see each other on a regular basis to go beyond friendship, or confess and renew all agony no matter what their answer. If they like you back, the distance will kill, and if they don't, then you just screwed up a decent friendship, sucker! It's a salope of a situation.

doctor: And what are her symptoms?

concerned individual: General moodiness, addiction to her phone/computer, inability to keep from mentioning a certain person on a regular basis...

doctor: Has this lasted over a month?

concerned individual: Well over.

doctor: We have here a severe case of long distance crush. Behead her and end her misery.

by chilli_cheese_fries April 8, 2017

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gay boy crush

When a girl has a crush on a gay boy.

Girl: I really like you.
Boy: But I'm gay!
Girl: Oh no... I have a gay boy crush.

by flipflopidy November 14, 2011

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Camel Menthol Crush

A Camel Menthol Crush is a regular Camel Classic menthol cigarette containing a small menthol crush ball that when crushed adds even more menthol flavour to the cigarette.

The Menthol Crush gives the freshest menthol flavour that you will ever taste... it's like the ultimate freshness.

Holy shit, niggah, this Camel Menthol Crush is the best cig I've ever tasted.

by Oxycodonecandy March 23, 2010

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When you see a man or guy so beautiful, that you develop an envious crush that you would normally have for another girl.

"Oh my god did you see that guy?! " Girl One

"I know he's so gorgeous, i think I'm starting to develop a Girl-Crush on him." Girl Two

by Lillianseth November 4, 2009

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