Intense love for Amos and Martha Halftrack. Shown most notably by Bryant Hollifield. One major symptom of Halftrack Fever is going crazy when Marty is seen in a bathrobe or when Amos wears his uniform. This is an intense disease. The only way it can be cured is loving them even more.
Marty: Have a nice day, dear. Hope you don't get Halftrack Fever!
Amos: Oh, put your robe on. I've already got Halftrack Fever.
Marty: (kisses Amos) I know. You've had it for 53 years. There's something about me you love.
Bryant: Its the robe. He loves it when you wear that thing! Even I do. See, there's magic in that thing.
Amos: Yes, you definitely have Halftrack Fever. You can't get enough of Grandma Marty in that robe. Or me in my army suit here. (he leaves)
Bryant: Hey, you want to get all cuddly? This Halftrack Fever is really working now.
Marty: Sure! We'll cuddle all day, honey. Amos is completely gone now. (she kisses Bryant) There's just something about me and you that I love. And its not just the robe. Its the Halftrack Fever. Gooey, sweet, cuddly. You rock!
Right before a guy gets a fever and his nuts feel extra heavy
“Man I can tell im starting to get sick, I got fever nuts right now”
Roni fever is a certain condition that only occurs when you indulge in roni like activities such as rett and roni love
Ty “man I saw roni last night and wow I think I’m boutta catch a case of roni fever”
Rett “oh man let me tell ya, that fever ain’t ever goin’ away”
A condition characterized by and inability to function in the clinic due to debilitating fever and profuse sweating.
Frequently seen in ophthalmology residents who see patient's on-call after 12:00 a.m.
A common side effect of fever sweats is temporary hearing loss and the inability to hear your morning alarm.
Often, fever sweats will resolve spontaneously without any treatment. Once resolved, the person will feel back to baseline as if nothing happened.
The long-term sequelae of fever sweats is a weirdly sensation that lasts up to 3 years from the onset of fever sweats.
Signs and symptoms of fever sweats usually manifest during the resident's post-call day
The etiology is fever sweats is unknown, but is more common in medical residents with advanced degrees e.g. MD, PhD
"I have fever sweats and didn't wake up to my alarm, anyway, I am now feeling weirdly as if nothing happened, not sure what was that shit"
"Sorry guys, I got dem fever sweats again so I won't be able to come to clinic"
"If you don't see me in clinic tomorrow then know that I probably have fever sweats and need my post-call day"
"Post call today, I got fever sweats."
"Won't be at teaching, I got fever sweats."
"Sorry we have to reschedule your appointment because the doctor has fever sweats today from being on-call"
An condition caused by being slack in the family-time department.
Damn, they waited until the last minute to tell us they're not gonna come to the family gathering? They got the Devers Fever bad!
A game that Tripp is trash at. The meme BlueFurby/BlueFurry and "trash monkey" was also created here.
"Grant, get off of curve fever!"
When you see a cute or hot haircut of any kind that makes you want to cut your hair really badly
Omg this pixie cut is giving me scissor fever