Noah is noah, hes so Noah when Noah is noah. at Times Noah says Noah and Noah.
Grill: Omg is that Noah!?!!!!
Other GRill: Yes me!
Grill: I kiss!!
death note kinda guy. like bro remember his emo phase. gadam
Noah, your ass at valorant ya shit cunt
Noah is a caring, loyal and trustworthy boyfriend to have. He will look after you and support you through any tough stage of ur life. He tends to be really hot and good at rugby, if you ever manage to pull a noah you’re very lucky cuz he’s a keeper. His type is usually small, blonde and feisty❤️
God I love noah he’s just perfect
Noah is the elephant he stomps on people and trashes his weight around
Look its Noah the elephant
Noah is really funny in a unique type of way. He is someone that is always thinking ahead and being prepared for anything that would come his way. As well as being really cute and innocent. He is someone that is super nerdy and spends a lot of time researching for things he likes and things that he knows he won’t even get. He is really caring and has an AMAZING WORK ETHIC. He is motivated by things that a lot of people aren’t that motivated by. He has a small group of friends and he likes it that way
Isabel: Man that Noah kid is super cute
Janet: Tell me about it. His friends are too
Noah's really so cool,
plays 500 in the pool,
all his haters be fools,
some of these are cruel,
bread treats you like a mule,
you make the homeless Prince drool,
the boy is a true Jewel,
Noah, Noah Brown never has a frown,
People treat him like a clown,
I really wish you lived in town,
Noah Brown makes Noah Beck look like bleck,
just speck ayy,
he raps and adapts he freestyles in his naps "clap",
noah doesn't need a passie he's a big boy now,
making raps about brats (Quincy) ,
only raps about facts ayy,
noah kaleb and jaron better make a boy band,
working on your songs all the way in the van "huh",
"Big Boy Burger",
hat or no hat,
glasses or no glasses,
Noah hearts all the guys,
cuz he is fabulous,
noah loves his dog more than all people,
he is Noah's best friend cuz Noah theo "blessing",
noah is my little sister,
despite the fact that he is a mister,
it's 12:48 making Rhymes no hate ,
you are just so freaking great!
"baby mice"
Person 1: "Noah knows everything"
Person 2: "ik, he is always right"
Noah: "I'm so fabulous"