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pancake squish

A penis squished into Ians damp soggy pants whilst he has an orgasm

Dude that Julian just pancake squished.

by Vyuvyuvuyvuyv June 3, 2014

Christian pancake

When someone cums on a bible during a service wait until it dries then eats it

Jamie jizzed on a bible and ate it when it dried - this is an example of the Christian pancake

by Urban dictionary is not ded January 8, 2018

wiffle ball pancake


i ate a wiffle ball pancake

by shadpow May 30, 2017

Kentucky Pancake

You’ll need someone old age for this to get that wrinkly pancake effect. Anyway the Kentucky Pancake is a famous sexual ceremony where maple syrup and crisped bacon is poured into a crack of an old folk. Propane is then sniffed to get that dizzy headache effect and you then proceed to motor boat the inside of the crevice.

- Woah man you made lovely Kentucky Pancake pancakes today thanks! My headache is absolutely killing me!

- Yeee well here in Kentucky us old folks do our community a favour for the tradition of our delicious home made Kentucky Pancakes! Best in the South, I’ll say!

by Officer Party Hard July 14, 2019

Clete Potato Pancakes

They are made using old mashed potatoes formed into shitty looking pancakes. After being formed they are always over seasoned and overcooked until chef Clete deems them to be perfect. They are the worst form of a breakfast pancake you could ever be served.

Clete- “we are having Clete’s famous Clete potato pancakes for breakfast!”
Everyone else- “we’d rather eat hungry man frozen potatoes than that bullshit!”

by Potato nutsack October 17, 2022

dense pancake

A funny, smart, sexy woman with a killer ass that knows how to get down and dirty.

Yo did you see that chick?
Yea man, she’s a dense pancake

by Angrybison264 November 23, 2021

Rusty Pancakes

Delicious buttermilk pancakes that are topped off with a dusting of rust collected from a metal object that's been outside in the elements. For the best taste, collect the rust dust from an old-timer car that has been abandoned in a field for decades.

I really like rusty pancakes

by arcfo March 1, 2023