An Asian YouTuber who makes analysis videos on games. He's part of the beta male group called Beta Bit.
Max: Woah! Is that Chris Portal?
Pacey: Shut up retard
That dude Chris brown’d all of the bitches he had lined up
synonym for "God", also an award-pending composer, makes savage replies
also called Chris Chris, Christ Christ, Christ Christodoulou, Jesus etc
damn Chris Christodoulou really do be makin' good shit
Are you pulling a Chris right now, because it smells like shit in here.
Why did you just call your mom and ask for extra underwear, are you pulling a Chrs?
A Chris Treadwell is typically a person who likes to microwave cell phones, lick electric fences, and create elaborate stories the he cant keep track of. A Chris Treadwell will usually have one or two estranged kids wondering around somewhere with no knowledge to that person. A Chris Treadwell will also dedicate one or two good days at the gym and see instant results in his body's transformation. With his astounding lack of head hair he makes up with it in body hair.
Hey! Don't touch that hot stove! You're being a real Chris Treadwell right now.
The vehicle in which transports one home from party after large consumption of alcoholic beverage; occasionally to the beach
Chris Corolla, I need a pickup stat