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1.) The act of taping a vibrator/dildo , to your head and then proceding to fuck your parnter up the ass or vagina. This method is commonly used to try something new or with a guy that cant hold an erection.

2.) A mythical horse with wings and a horn, comonlly seen in fairy tales

1.) Woman 1: Last night, Kyle gave me a unicorn with my favorite vibrator,it was soo good.

Woman 2: Wow that sounds hot.

2.) Teacher (reading a book): And the prince and the unicorn lived happily ever after.

by 5t5o5r5y5 May 9, 2009


A horse with a Dounce hat

-Look, a dumb horce!
-That deffenision of a horse seems to be preferebly refered to as a unicorn.
-Indeed random stranger i'v never knew!

by Not George Washington the 3:d February 14, 2018


A unicorn is a person who is willing to join an existing couple. They may join the couple only for sex, or they may become a more involved part of the relationship and spend nonsexual, companionship time together too.

"Me and brad are looking for a unicorn to spice things up!"

by Smartickles January 24, 2024


Horses with a horn on their head which are often seen in fictional stories.
They only let pure maidens ride them.
This leads to their other name "horny horses with a virgin fetisch"

Girl: I want to see a Unicorn
*mouth watchers at the thought of a little girl riding it*
Come over here you can ride me all night

by Fredzillian November 20, 2019


A girl who squirts and makes a her "unicorn horn" covered in glitter.

She unicorned all over my horn

by GayBussyslayervyr April 3, 2023


Transgender male to female. Simplest way to put it.

“She’s a unicorn. Her peni# is huge

by Anniethebell February 2, 2022


An Olympic Lifter or CrossFit Athlete who has hit themselves in the forehead with Barbell.

Welcome to the Unicorn club

by August 3, 2022