another way of saying "your lying" when somebody says something that you know isn't true, but instead of using those words you can say "kicking that whale".
Boy: We are perfect for each other.
Girl: Kickin that whale!
Violently hugging another person, complete with pelvic thrust. Strong sexual connotation.
I gave Amy a humpback whale hug the other day; good for me, creepy for her.
crazy mofo, you doesnt have big nuts
why you gotta be beluga whale nuts in this conversation
The one person on Earth that can make 99% of what comes out of his mouth a "cool story bro" story. Also has the capabilities of a chem god, but is too bogged down with stories that are deemed "cool stories," that his potential is flustered and dormant.
Orange Whale Owner: "I love wikipedia because I love telling cool stories bro. I love telling cool stories because I love wikipedia. Greatest revelation of my life."
Friend: "Cool story bro"
A whale that thinks it is a shark.
He/she kept trying to tell people around him/her that he/she was a shark with razor sharp teeth and huge jaws, but really they knew that the guy/girl was the great white whale of snitches.
A larger women who just wants sex and is submissive to a mans junk.
Mike: " Holy shit you see the way Ashley dresses?"
Jon: "Yea shes such a slave whale!"
A fat alien whale is short and has pointy flippers. If you see one in the wild you must swim as fast as you can, they have a tendency to drown humans.
Run away it’s a fat alien whale!