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min for you

This is South African slang from generation Y
Min means you don't care what people think (Minimal fucks given)

The word has taken on a different meaning from different areas, some are using min as a means to say keen.

I am guessing someone heard it and misinterpreted the meaning and now it's spread.

I am min for you or I am min for what you say, I will do as I please.

I am so min (keen) for the party.

by SafaSlangman January 20, 2017

You, the door.

Disrespectfully showing someone out.

You don’t know this definition? Ok no! Leave! The door! You, the door.

by Diagnosedwithbald February 24, 2023

You Trumpin'

To repeated take Ls by acting like an idiot.

To act like Donald Trump

Gary, you trumpin'. You gonna get your ass beat.

by Knoms January 25, 2017

grr you

a word that @reed4k thinks he inveted which means " grr you" like the polite ver of fuçk you

Grr you , don't steal my shit Lyna

by Lyna 6omina December 31, 2021

You Zekeing

When someone tells you something that is full of shit.

The storyteller must have a lot of keys on a key ring.

ZEKE- So hear me out, when I worked at IT group for my town I was the only person that knew how to run a zoom call for the FBI

Jason: man You Zekeing

by Drizzydotj April 21, 2022

you donkey

A term for people who don't curse. This word means you jackass. Used in mainly 4-7 grade.

Me in 4th grade:"You ugly donkey."

Me now"You ugly jackass!" You Donkey meaning another word for ass or jackass.

by Amoniglue November 24, 2017

Much, you?

"Much, you?" is a term used in place of the response, "Not much, how about you?"
Only real beauties are able to properly use this term and should not be used unless 100% necessary.
This is a term that should be used after someone asked "Yat?"

Acorn MacDonald: "Yat Jacob?"
Jacob M: "Much, you?"

(variation: "whole lotta much")

by Taint Waffle November 10, 2020