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honey baked

Can be used as an adjective to describe someone or something that is "hard as a motherfucker."

Can be used as a verb when pursuing a goal, object, or task with great determination.

Is used in place of the word "ham" (Hard As a Motherfucker).

"That dude going honey baked on the stairmaster."

"That bitch is honey baked."

"Going honey baked on this shit."

by VanWhoa May 13, 2021

baked into a pie

A phrase used to describe being high on marijuana, used especially when the speaker is extremely high.

I was hanging out with a few friends the other day, and we got pretty baked into a pie and watched some Bob Ross.

by snipsnopsleepslop July 17, 2017

Baked like a soufflé

When being Baked like a cake isn't good enough for you, you take a massive breath of weed and exhale after a couple seconds while ringing a service bell to inform people people that you are above and beyond being Baked like a cake

"Sheeeeez dude, i am-- i am baked l-like a soufflé"
"Hey did you see Trevor?" "Nah he's at home getting baked like a soufflé"
"Is Stacy good to drvive us home?" "No man, she's in the bathroom baked like a soufflé"

by The Unintelligent Librarian November 7, 2017

cloud bake

To prevent the exit of any smoke from one room or vehicle when smoking marijuana. Causes the room or vehicle to become filled with smoke.

We rolled up all the windows in the car to cloud bake it.

by Chillz147 April 15, 2017

Baking the Mickey

Another way of saying baking the piss. This time, there's a Disney twist to it.

Goofy, you're Baking the Mickey!

by kaijak music bickey January 24, 2025

Baked Beaned

Just really high

Dude im totally baked beaned right now

by nevans100 March 11, 2023

Bakedy baked

A term used to describe being on a higher level of stoned

Yo bro, I'm bakedy baked!

by BAKEDA.M. April 6, 2021