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Clubbing your clam

When a member of the "fairer" sex is to vigorously stimulate their nether regions...

"Babe, you might oughta slow down clubbing your clam, bitch there's smoke coming off that damn thang!"

by Um aranha do barriga March 14, 2013

Steamy Clam Shake

While performing cunnalingus, you vomit on the vagina, and then proceed to have vaginal sex until you ejaculate inside the vagina.

I gave Jill the steamy clam shake last night!

by TMJ April 29, 2008

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clam neck nipples

When a woman's nipples are long, skinny, and dark in color. Resembling the external portion of a clam's gastrointestinal tract also known as the "siphon" or the "neck."

"Dude it was gross, that chick had clam neck nipples."

by Vance M April 23, 2008

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Clu Clux Clam

A female supremacy (or women's rights) group made up of feminazis (or feminist). They are the female parallel to the klu klux klan. Comparisons;
- kkk; blacks, Muslims, and the government are working together to commit a "white genocide" and "reverse discrimination" to oppress white people.
-CCC; The media, law enforcement, and MEN! Have created "rape culture" and "patriarchy" to oppress women.
- KKK; now claims they don't hate blacks, Latinos, Jews and now even allows them membership. While continuing to say hateful things and haven't gotten any minorities to join.
-CCC; now claims they don't hate MEN and now even allows them membership. While continuing to say hateful things and haven't gotten any straight men to join.
-KKK/CCC; Political groups that seek to pin us against each other through fear mongering and hate speech.
- KKK/CCC; Makes them selves the victims of oppression
- KKK/CCC; Insufferable and scary people to be around.

Athena Society is a Clu Clux Clam group on my college campus and It made my girlfriend into a clu clux cunt.

by hollyQ April 27, 2015

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Cincinnati clam shack

When banging a girl, alternating between her pussy and ass. The resulting queefs and farts will fill the room with a stanky sea food aroma reminiscent of a clam shack.

Man, last night was great. Me and Jill hooked up. When we were done, her room was like a Cincinnati Clam Shack!

by Scumbies July 16, 2009

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Clam Chow Wah

Reference To Sum Really Tasty Pussy Juice.
When The Words Are Broken Down....
CLAM - Cause Pussy Looks Like A Clam
CHOW - Because You Eat It
WAH - Is What Your Left Saying After Its Drippin Off Your Chin

"That Girl Last Night Had The Best Clam Chow Wah I Ever Saw"

by Thugz Cuny February 19, 2009

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Clam Bake

Slang for scissoring, which is slang for two women gettin' it on

Woman: Man, I'm tired.
Man: Why?
Woman: Amy and I had a clam bake last night.

by cmp410 December 28, 2011

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