Someone who loves the same sex/gender. Often likes to engage in sexual activity in the anus, either by cock or strap-on.
Oliver Morgan: I love you.
Jamie Norton: Me too
OM: Do you want to have anal sex?
JM: Do I!
OM: Do you think we're gay?
JM: Possibly!
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To be gay is to be sexually atracted to a person of your own gender. I could rant to everybody about how "gay people are fucking normal and you fucking strait people can go fuck yourselfs!" But I feel that that is an unproductive way of persuation. So I am going to simply say it how it is.
Gay people are normal people who are just different. Much like Black hair differs from blonde hair, Gays differ from straits. It is nothing to be shunned for, although many homosexuals are shunned for it.
When it comes to homosexuality, there is a lot of dispute in the world. People claim that the Bible is against homosexuality which it clearly is, but you can believe whatever you'd like. I choose to believe that God made everyone how they are, and that all people should be respected for who they are, because God made them who they are. And you don't want to go around shunning God's creations.
For those who are not homosexual out there, it truly is out of our control. we don't wake up in the morning and decide to be gay. In fact, many homosexuals are ashamed when they first discover it as a child or young adult. As teenagers, many are forced to hide their true selves untill they are discovered or until they feel it right to tell the world.
For those who still lean toward "Gay is sin, the bible says so." please don't shun others for their homosexuality. God sees all sin as equal. so to say that I'm going to hell for being gay is to say that I'm going to hell for cheating on a math test.
Billy: "Mom, I-I'm... gay.
Mom: "Well, son, If that's how God made you, then I love you regaurdless!
Billy: Yay! I feel so accepted!
Billy: "Mom, I-I'm... gay.
Mom: "Well, son, I just can't deal with this! you're going to hell and I'm ashamed to have given birth to you! Well, I'll just have to send you to a correctional facility and disown you as my son!
Billy: "Mom! I'm no different than how I was yesterday... or tomorrow!.. or the day after that! why can't you accept me for who I am?
Mom: "Because! you're an abomination!
*Boy ends up commiting suicide after a terrible four months in a correctional facility.
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(NGGF) A friend who is not gay, but acts like the gay friend that every girl wants. He goes for coffee with you, sits and listens intently to all of your problems for hours on end (especially guy problems). He offers advice from a guy's perspective and tries to make sense of the way guys' minds work. He is the ultimate guy friend who will always be there for you. Because they are not gay, it is possible to hook up with NGGFs, but it complicates things because you are simply such good friends and know absoluetly every detail about each other's sexual lives. You should however reserve these guys as a back-up plan if you don't get married by the age of...say 40. NGGFs are so much fun to be around. They also tend to be very good looking, but unfortunately, they are quite rare.
I met my non-gay-gay-friend at starbucks yesterday. We chatted for 3 hours then went for a walk in a ravine.
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a man with a fetish for getting pounded in the anus
and may experience an orgasm while going doo-doo
"i'm intolerant of those who choose to live a gay hating lifestyle, even though they are choosing to live how they truly are" quuote by a duche or a dumbass hipocrit
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A stupid person that likes having sex with people that are the same gender as them
you know sarah wonβt marry you, she is a sexist gay person!
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I always knew Ricky Martin was the gayest gay to ever gay, but none of my friends believed me.
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