When you come out on the wrong end of a deal or situation. A situation that is definitely not in your favor. Kind of like having an old man molest you in the shower.
Man I just got a letter from the IRS. Dude! they totally hit me with the Sandusky Skin Slap!! cornholed
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a black girl who is either mixed or just naturally has ligher skin than most black people.
Light skinned girls, because of their high desirability, often talk to many guys at once flirting and leading all of them on without ever actual putting out. Light skinned girls are also extremely bad at answering phone calls, responding to text messages, or following through with plans. Another trait of a light skinned girl is a constantly vibrating phone from the constant stream of messages, tweets, likes, shares, follows, retweets, and favorited pictures. Conversation with light skinned girls is almost impossible without perfect timing, words must be interjected into their busy schedule of posing for selfies, taking selfies, posting selfies, and giving their selfies tags like "#TeamLightSkin, #NoFilter, #SoUgly, #DontHate, #JustWokeUP, #WishIWasPretty"
Light skinned girls will cause you to lose other potential women by causing you to focus all your efforts into fucking them until realize you're never hitting that.
Tom: What the fuck! I almost got fired the other day for having my phone vibrate in my pocket and Becky's over their texting in front of the manager
Randy: Duh, Becky's a light skinned girl
Travis: Dude i can't believe Shanelle stood me up last night
Mike: Shanelle the light skinned girl?
Travis: yeah!
Mike: Well what'd you expect thats what they do
Kyle: i cant believe i got Shawnna's number
Mark: Yeah i got it 6 months ago...
Kyle: Oh gross i dont want your sloppy seconds!!
Mark: chill bro, she's a light skinned girl. she played like we were gonna fuck for months....i never even made out with her
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its another word for beans on toast
yo bitch , get your fatass into the kitchen and throw some skin heads on a raft
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The act of of having sex with a woman without a condom aka bareback
"Dude i wanna get with Meghan so bad tonight"
"Go for it man fuck her skins!"
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When someone cuts themselves in a specific place to the point where the skin has a different texture than the rest of their body.
Dude, that Emo chick just added a skin texture pack
Toronto mans slang for a high five
Bro 1: Wallahi fam is mans tryna gimme some skin
Bro 2: Sure fam
*high fives*
crawling in my skin <- when life f**ks u and u feel insecure and lost as f**k
i'm probably going insane. all this sh*t makes me feeling like its it's crawling in my skin and kills me from the inside.