When a jew assaults you by stealing your pension and invests them in S&P 500.
Yeah i got jew-attacked by Mads last week, now i'm gonna loose custody of my daughter.
a mispronunciation of the name Joshua
"Hey, did you see that guy over there? I think his name was Jew-off"
a jew that lives in the mountains of assyira.
the mountin jew have been living in the Assyrian mountains for around 1000.
A Jew that doesnt want to give any money
"Can i borrow some money?"
"No, because im Rok The Jew
A Jew, usually of high intellect, who, when engaged in an argument with someone, will find any intellectual weakness and ruthlessly exploit it in an unrelenting manner.
Jack: did you see Ben Shapiro on Piers Morgan talking about guns?
Mick: ye.
Jack: What a Mosquito Jew.
Mick. Ye.
A Jew patch is a random patch of hair on a mans back that has no reason being there.
“Hey Mike, did you notice that ugly ass Jew Patch on Ron’s back when we went to the beach?”
“hey bro, you need to shave that Jew patch!”
A Jenna Jew is a girl when you can’t tell if she is joking or mad. She often reads books and curses a lot. She can give good advice but is very opinionated. She will always be there for you even when she is mad at you.
A)Jenna Jew has a new book.
B) I wonder if she is going to yell about it later..
A) Wouldn’t be suprised.