A adorable cute little baby cat
I'll get a kitty next week
How do you get a kitty?
Kitty's are adorable
It's going to be my kitty birthday tomorrow
My friend kitty is so cute and adorable
I'll love to get a kitty next week
NO!, i’m average. probably hear kitty telling people how average she is
can mean literally anything positive (okay, bet, lit, good)
“it’s lit” = “it’s kitty”
“bet” = “aii kitty”
“sounds good” = “sounds kitty”
Omg I thought that was a line if blow but it was Kitty and I ain't seeing straight now!
A small one that is very ticklish and likes anuses. Becouse it is easy to inside one.
A kitty can fit in small areas like butt hole of gerafffff
"is that a ball of floof?" "nah itz meh kitties i named dem floofes