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I like turtles

A responce to a boring question that you don't feel like answering. It may also, in rare cases, express one's true love of turltes. <3

Johnathan you're looking good you have an awesome face paint job what do you think?

-I like turtles.

by Michael Habic November 4, 2007

1617๐Ÿ‘ 161๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck like rabbits

A lot. To fuck/have sex significantly more than normal.

Jay and Sarah fuck like rabbits.

by Jaymiller980 May 11, 2015

147๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

"rappin like a slave"

someone who raps (or talks) about backwards a-political or self hate type shit.a sambo/sellout type that says what massa wants to hear(ie;record execs,corporate tyrants,or uncle sam)..pro-market words or lyrics that would make a slave master proud.

that dude wearing that red,white and blue shirt over there, "rappin like a slave"...them uncle tom preachers be "rappin like a slave"...a lot of money motivated rappers be "rappin like a slave"..dude snitchin,"rappin like a slave"

by reverendtriggafiinga September 18, 2008

71๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

looking like a snack

Basically saying that person looks so good you can eat them all up .

Daaam baby you looking like a snack!

by Senpaijosh May 31, 2016

881๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž

hung like a horse

A phrase used to describe a man with a large, equine-like penis.

Damn! You're, hung like a horse!

by Paul Thundergod July 3, 2003

2123๐Ÿ‘ 231๐Ÿ‘Ž

shitting like a demon

1.)Defecating in a violent, uncontrollable manner that upon completion leaves one feeling weakened, unstable on their feet, and possibly light headed.

2.)Taking a devilish delight in defecating including, but not limited to: turning and looking upon the feces (hopefully located in a toilet bowl) with disgust and satisfaction; hoping the person in the next stall is gagging on the resulting stench; and loudly emitting moans or grunts that could be taken for either pleasure or pain by those close enough to overhear.

I need to sit down for a minute because I just finished shitting like a demon and now I'm dizzy.

by EmaHumongous305 April 27, 2011

34๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

laughing like a hyena

laughing like a hyena laughing hysterically or uncontrollably laughing

my neighbor let his dogs loose in my yard to do their business he was laughing like a hyena while watching his dogs do their business in my yard

by bluebear August 4, 2020