Source Code

Mr. Cooby

Mr. Cooby is the one who always gets the blame when something is discovered to be broken or missing.

"Hey, who got into the cookie jar?"

"All I know is that Mr. Cooby was the only one here."

by Georg Znaeym April 26, 2006

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Mr. Keown

One who is Assistant Principal at Stephens County High School, who usually is gettting on to the cousin fuckers about dirt in their lip, or buffing Mr. Kershs’ head at about 7:15 in the morning. Seen usually snitching to a SRO, or playing grab ass with all the senior females.

Mr. Keown was in his office searching my phone for child pornography.

by Thecunthimself September 26, 2018

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mr. cedrone

A very difficult, frustrating teacher who is full of himself. Also there is a disease called Cedronephobia.

OMGOSH. That teacher is a Mr. Cedrone.

I have caught the Cedronephobia!

by squarerootof69 April 4, 2014

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Mr. McWhat'sHisFace

Some guy who's name you do not know, or have temporarily forgotten, or simply cannot pronounce.

Joe: Oooh, where'd you get that neat little fish?

David: Mr. McWhat'sHisFace gave it to me!

Joe: Who?

David: That guy with the IMPOSSIBLE TO PRONOUNCE NAME!

Joe: Mr. Hunkingalchavinstintinekalilreo Doddlerbuckleloptisisjoeiscoolapy Gooldehiermerwishingstine?

David: ...Yes, that's it exactly.

by Nubluva March 20, 2006

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Mr. Rager

Thaaa stoner Scott Mescudi, better know as KiD CuDi. Made famous by his songs "Day N' Night" and "Make Her Say" His new album "Man on the Moon II: Legend of Mr. Rager" will be released in August or September of 2010. With his awesome beats and amazing rap skills, it's sure to be amazing.

homeboy 1: "Yooooo you heard dat Kid Cudi's album???? It's ill, playa."
homeboy 2: "Yeah dawg. His new album "Man on the Moon II: Legend of Mr. Rager" is gonna be dope as hell, man. Can't wait til August."

by datnewcudi June 1, 2010

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Mr. Beast

A wholesome man trying to save the earth

Friend: Who started the 20 million trees thing?
Me: oh you mean Mr. Beast ?

by ChrissythePenguin October 30, 2019

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Mr. Poopybutthole

From rick and morty
Extremely small, gets shot by laser beam

Mr. Poopybutthole is very kind in spirit, and gets shot by lasers.

by Spanlandman January 3, 2017

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