When a pro athlete's starting job is no longer available after returning from injury.
Jimmy G was proud he would be able to return for the playoffs, turns out he was Brock blocked!
Blocking b is when you block a bitch who’s a cloud demon
When you're in a narrow-ish passageway and one of the two people trying to pass sticks their butt out so freaking far that the other person can't get past without making for one extremely awkward situation.
I was trying to walk down the hallway when he started butt blocking me!
Preventing religious figures from converting others.
I like to shadow Jehovah witnesses and when people finally let them in run up and make a big scene to scare them off, I call it flock blocking
Two cars driving side-by-side at the same slow speed on a highway, thus blocking others from passing. This slang imagines a family with many children forced to take two cars and then drive in a manner that is oblivious to other traffic and others around them.
Those two cars are doing the Mormon Block and slowing the entire highway down to 40.
this happens when you are trying to talk to a person and another intrusive annoying person keeps getting all up in the business, making the conversation difficult or impossible
Kendra: Hey did you run into Elias again?
Michelle: Yeah, but Rachel kept talk blocking! What is her problem?
Kendra: Oh she talk blocks anyone she sees as a threat. She knows she has to go to extreme measures to keep his attention.
When you have a few women to pick from and your mate comes round and cock blocks you from sleeping with any but doesn’t sleep with any himself but makes thems leave before going home to walk his six dogs
Bens cock block me again