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Rage baron

When your whole team has been playing so bad that you're all tilted out of your minds and you just decide to do baron for no reason and without any consideration of whether or not it is the right call. Success or failure, this play is called a ''Rage Baron''

We won my promotion match out of a rage baron. I still got chat restricted after my whole team reported me though.

by Memethief November 14, 2017


When your girlfriend decides that your room is anything but a habitable place for humans and then proceeds to rearrange all of your belongings in an unfamiliar order and washes your clothes in a rage of fury, not even separating the colours and blacks from the whites.

Your fault buddy.

Person 1: Oh my god, I came home and my room was fucking clean man
Person 2: Really why is that a problem?
Person 1: My girlfriend rage-cleaned and now I actually have to use my wardrobe...
Person 2: Gee, what a conundrum
Person 2: Maybe you should have washed your own clothes?

by davo420 July 5, 2021

Raging Dyke

When someone is really really dykey.

Good god, look at Mandy, shes a raging dyke she is!

by michaella February 1, 2008

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Baby rage

Nick,that one asshole who kicked you out of the server

Man that guy is really having baby rage

by Penisman109 April 1, 2020

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gamer rage

A person that becomes frustrated or angry when playing a game.

Person A is being killed over and over again in a game by Person B e.g. In a first person shooter like Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. This causes frustration and sheer anger towards Person B killing you repeatingly thus the term gamer rage. This anger is displayed through verbal means via a headset or chat with examples like:

"Oh my god you fucking camper"
"Fuck you"
"You fucking sprayer"
"Oh my god your such a lagger"

With generally explict verbal communication or verbal speech that creates a denial sense as to why Person A is constantly dying.

by Game Rager 2010 August 12, 2010

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teen rage

verb. to be wound up by IMPOSSIBLE problems.
Also see debug

by Anonymous August 6, 2003

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Facebook Rage

The extreme frustration one feels when Facebook changes things up.

I got some major Facebook Rage today when I couldn't figure out how to use Facebook's new "helpful" feature

by Ruhlentheworld September 21, 2011

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