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Reverse Cactused

The act of taking a little prick out of you.

Jenna was fed up with Bobby's lack of enthusiasm so she reverse cactused him.

by dil3mma August 26, 2014

Reverse catfish

Someone who looks better in real life than on their social media

Woahhhhhh Yusuf looks so hot in real life, he really reverse catfished me

by Shakywarrrior January 3, 2022

Reverse Blindfold

That which makes you see things you have never ever seen before.

Person 1: Dude if you take this, you'll see things you have never seen before!

Person 2: Like a reverse blindfold?!!??!

by corals July 20, 2010

reverse jellybean

when you get so horny your dick pops back inside of you

sally you made me reverse jellybean

by reverse jellybean April 26, 2017

reverse backwards

taking the first letters of two words and switching them, a great way to confuse and baffle the general population

Reverse backwards is a language that turns "Sinks like a rock" into"rinks like a sock"

by coolest lifeguard at SLP August 4, 2017

Reverse Bum

The act of offering a bum a warm meal in a restaurant with the inent to stick him/her with the check, aka reverse bum, after eating.

Employed citizen: Hey why don't you come with me to get something to eat.
Bum: wkhdujtzye...ok
-Moments before meal is completed-
Employed citizen: Wow that was good. I'm going to go to the restroom; excuse me.

Employed citizen then takes off for the door thus not paying for the meal or completing a reverse bum on the homeless person.

by dingdangdingdong September 3, 2008

reverse cactus

The act of smacking someone in the ass with a hand full of pins, in a sexual matter.

Lastnight I reverse cactus that girl.

by PussyDestroyer6869 July 3, 2017