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China Shits

A severe form of diarrhea that comes from eating Chinese food.

Steve: "Man that sweet and sour chicken was great but it gave me the worst case of China Shits ever.

by NubMonk December 27, 2010

Shit in a Boot

The class of restaurants found in Collegetown in Ithaca, New York. They are all over-priced restaurants where you could serve cheap, second-hand leather boots from the south, with cow shit, and the students there would not be able to tell the difference.

Hey, I just went to CTB, and picked up this awesome wrap.

Dude, your carrying shit in a boot.

by man.lex October 29, 2009

shit pouch

Another name for your mouth because of all the crap that comes out of it.

Why don't you keep that shit pouch of yours closed because you don't know what you're talking about.

by Hawks17 October 10, 2015

shit tank

When you take a crap in someone's toilet tank. Usually done at a party so no one can figure out who did it.

Synonomous with Upper Deck

Dude, last night I got so drunk at this party that I gave some guy a shit tank.

by gilbo95 March 9, 2008

Shit vacation

A particularly long restroom break when at work, used as a chance to take a break, relax, and engage in some non-work-related activity, such as browsing the web or playing a game on a smart phone.

I needed to take a massive dump this morning, but I waited until I got to work so that I could take a nice long shit vacation.

by senorjay November 9, 2012

Infinity Shit

When you take a shit and then you take so long to wipe all it clean that it feels like the entire shit was for inifnity

Person 1: ‘Hey, what took you so long?’
Person 2: ‘Sorry, I was wrapped up doing an Infinity Shit’

by Jed08 February 28, 2019

Shit Fish

Those who watch Buzzfeed Unsolved a show hosted by Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej typically fall into one of two groups each named after one of the hosts. Those groups being Boogaras, the believers, or Shaniacs the non-believers. If someone fails to fall into one of the two groups or claims to be in both they are labeled as being a Shit Fish.

Person 1: "Oh you watch Buzzfeed Unsolved? Are you a boogara or a shaniac?"

Person 2: "I don't really believe in ghosts but I do believe that spirits are around us."

Person 1: "that makes no sense, you're a shit fish."

by It's Me Ya Boi (PB) June 2, 2021