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Fat cat

A huge cat

Your cat 🐈 is fat
You got a fat cat

by Homeschooledteacher October 15, 2017

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Cat favour

You need to get up from your seat and get something, but your cat is on your lap and refuses to let you go. You ask the nearest person to get it for you.

You - Mom, I need a cat favour!
Your mother - What?
You - Can you get me my GameBoy? It's in the kitchen!

by Rrrhild November 7, 2009

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Pink Cat

Self confident person, being their unique self, doesn't care about opinions of others. Often breaking the mold of social norms. Dresses and acts on their own free will versus conforming to society. Free spirit that inspires others to be themselves.

That woman wearing a bikini and cardigan sweater is such a Pink Cat

by Robyn Baumgartner April 19, 2020

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cat hat

When your cat lays on your head while you are either laying in bed, walking around or sitting on the couch, creating a hat.

"When I sleep at night, my cat lays on my head, creating a cat hat."

by nikkjo3 March 24, 2017

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shit on a cat

To be upset with someone and tell them to leave you alone or piss off.

David: I wonder where he is. Scotty: I don’t think the grinch has forgiven us yet. David: oh he can go shit on a cat.

by Natertaterz January 24, 2018

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bitching cat

(1) An annoying thing (usually a cat) that never shuts up.
(2) A cat that always wining (meowing)
(3) A noisy cat

"I had let my cat in to feed it and and the bitching cat didn't stay quiet until I gave her food."

"that bitching cat has got to go, no one has got any descent quiet sense we got it."

"When we got to the mall and there was a woman complaining about something, what a bitching cat"

by CutieGirl15 August 11, 2006

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the cat's meow

The latest, the best, the cutting edge (and more positive adjectives withe -est).

LCD televisions are the cat's meow. People love their performance and elegance.

by AutumnLeaves April 19, 2007

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