Essentially the same thing as a vibe check, where one actor commits violence against another, but in this case the actor is the U.S. military. The U.S. military vibe checks their recruits by shooting them in the head in order to only allow the strongest and most resilient to join.
Jim: What happened to Tommy?
Joe: He failed the military vibe check.
Jim: Wow, I always knew he was one of the weaker ones.
The day before payday when you are broke but write a check anyway since chances are you will have your paycheck to the bank before the hot check.
It's finally hot check day. I can go ahead and get the things I need now since I get paid tomorrow.
When you fart but are unsure if it was a shart. So you go to the bathroom to wipe to make sure
After i farted i went to the bathroom to check the blind spot.
When someone sends a snap with ‘grey arrow check’, it means that they are checking if people unadded them / didn’t add them back.
It got the name from the grey arrow you get on Snapchat when someone hasn’t added you back.
Person #1: Nina just sent me a snap with the text ‘grey arrow check’
Person #2: Don’t worry, that doesn’t main anything. She’s just checking if people unadded her.
A "Near-Fact-Check" or "NFC" is a polite way to call a "fact-check" that failed to meet logical integrity -wrong, but "hey, you almost got it buddy.". This helps the "fact-checker" to not be depressed or toxic, or take out their rage on the victims of their gas-lighting narcissistic abuse. Since fact-checkers are given so much trust by the public, and had one job to do - and failed at providing the facts - they are gas-lighting, by definition, and narcissistically.
"Hey, look, PoliticFact, I know you tried real hard there and I appreciate that energy, but it didn't cut it. It's okay, let's just call it a 'Near Fact Check' and give you a golden star right there next to your name anyways, for trying ... okay?"
The act of looking over one's shoulder, for a second glance at someone who caught your eye.
Dude, that girl just shoulder-checked you; why don't you say, "Hi"?
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When spell check changes your word to the wrong word, but the wrong word is actually more appropriate.
I meant to text my friend that she should go to the U2 concert with me because it would be a "great" time. Spell check changed it to "grey" time. That Freudian Spell Check is pretty smart.
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