Spouse's second-cousin-twice-removed's spouse.
My co-second-cousin-twice-removed-in-law is a good person.
The grandchild-in-law of one's parent-in-law's sibling.
My co-cousin-nibling-in-law is a good person.
Person who, in relation to the other person, has zero parents, zero grandparents, zero great-grandparents and eleven great-great-grandparents in common.
My 5.5-tuple-third-cousin is a good person.
7.5-tuple-4C: Person who, in relation to the other person, has zero parents, zero grandparents, zero great-grandparents, zero great-great-grandparents and fifteen great-great-great-grandparents in common.
My 7.5-tuple-fourth-cousin is a good person.
Daughter of their grandparent’s full sibling with the other grandparent’s full sibling.
My double-cousin-aunt is a good person.
1- Step-great-grandpibling's great-grandchild.
2- Great-grandpibling's step-great-grandchild.
3- Step-3C.
My step-third-cousin is a good person.