When you fail to perform the Heimlich maneuver and end up fucking the entire life.
I just made a Heimlich maneuver fail
someone with limited talent who none the less advances in a line of work based on the success of their much more notable and interesting uncle
Ted's just a fail nephew, the only reason anyone takes him seriously is his uncle William Nordhaus is a famous climate economist
A photo or video of someone or something failing, usually of someone getting owned to an extreme or doing something that proves that they could be out witted by a lemming. Fail Shots can often be used as evidence that the Darwin theory is alive and well.
Guy #1: Dude, I got the best fail shot earlier!
Guy #2: What of ?!?!?!?!?!
Guy #1: My fat neighbors cat jumped out of no where and scarred the crap out of him. It was total ownage!
When you feel like doing something entertaining but stop early or half way.
Mark had an entertainment fail when he started watching two and a half men but got bored and changed the channel.
The highest degree of fail. If you or you know of someone that has reached this level, please shoot them.
Bob: YES! My Star Wars action figure set is complete!
*Cat comes in and chews action figures*
Jeff: Plutonic Fail...
when your teacher likes to fail people for fun or enjoyment
yo this teacher must have a failing fettish i have a 32% average in her class
when your teacher likes to fail you
mrs.butthead has a failing fettish because she keeps failing me