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Family Guy Personality Syndrome (FGPS)

When someone is overly obsessed with the hillarious hit tv-show Family Guy. Some common symptoms of this can be things like; boring the living crap out of your friends by telling the same Family Guy jokes over and over, turning all of your conversations into "did you see yesterdays episode?" or "so Peter was like...". One of the most irritating and shit indulcing symptoms is retelling an entire episode word by word thus extremely boring the other person. If not treated it can leave your personality consisting of nothing but Family Guy jokes.

Family Guy Personality Syndrome (FGPS) victim: Did you see yesterday's episode?!? I almost shit my pants twice!!

Diego: Ehh, no.

FGPS victim: Welllll, let me tell you the whole episode detail by detail! Don't worry it will only take about half an hour and be nowhere near as funny as actually watching it.

*Diego has now left the conversation, or risk getting a severe ear injury.*

by BrazilianFOsho June 3, 2011

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your family reunion a homosexual communion

most deadly insult of them all ; worst than ur mum gay, your dad lesbian, your granny tranny, etc. guaranteed to kill your opponent.

Bob : ur mum gay
Jeff : but ur dad lesbian
Bob : stfu fagit, ur grandpap a trap
Jeff : listen here dicktwat your family tree lgbt
Bob : your family reunion a homosexual communion
Jeff : *dies*

by puss puss licker March 28, 2018

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enjoy dog ban family account

Said when someone gets banned from something or to confuse the targeted person

Steve got banned? enjoy dog ban family account

by Shawn424 February 7, 2021

Your family reunion is a gay communion

The worst insult you can ever use. If you use this you can kill the person in a matter of half a second. Not only can it kill the person but can kill his/her family in a few seconds after it killed the person on which it was used on. DO NEVER USE THIS INSULT.

carl- your mom gay
Nick-no u
carl-ur dad lesbian

NIck-no u
carl- ur granny tranny
NIck- no u
Carl- ur grandpap a trap
Nick-no u
Carl-your family reunion is a gay communion
NIck-*Fucking obliterated, the family dies*
Credit: My friend Anthony made it

by Bad insults April 4, 2018

duolingo is going to take your family

he is the most deadly duo ever . he has made the perfect team. he teamed up with sonic to numb your brain with dumb memes and give you terminal seven brain cancer. he also teamed up with mario to bash down your door and take your liver. and duolingo does the final blow by killing you and your family

not bob: dang duolingo is going to take your family. bob: sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh can you help me. not bob: I am afraid not he will kill me because he also has my family. bob: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

by kjhgfyuytfrdrfc June 14, 2022

Your family reunion a homosexual communion

Finale comeback for your mom gay

Grant: ur mom gay lol
Connor: ur dad lesbian
Grant: ur granny tranny lmao
Connor: ur granpap trap
Grant: ur whole family tree lgbt
Connor: (using 100% brain power) your family reunion a homosexual communion

*North korea nukes america and start world war 3 which leads to a communist america and no more memes*

by ChroMe Ghostz April 30, 2018

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ur family reunion a homosexual communion

An insult only to be used when your opponent gives you no other option.

Person 1:"Haha, your family tree LGBT! "

Person 2: "Don't make me say it..."

Person 1: "You wouldn't fuckin dare..."

Person 2: "Your family reunion a homosexual communion"

*Space and time warps until it envelopes the very existence of person 1*

by Bkmtex March 28, 2018

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