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Kentucky Plug

The act of putting ones thumb in the vagina of a female partner to stop what one thinks is life threatening bleeding because of all the growing and whinging going on generally administered once a month.

She don't know it yet but depending on the severity she might end up getting the "Kentucky Plug" tonight.

by Doingitforbrandon May 20, 2021

Kentucky plug

A position in sex where one of the participants sticks their thumb into the other participant's rectum in order to sufficiently block any leakage.

"Why is Jessica walking like that?"
"Scott must have given her the kentucky plug."

by FakeBeans May 21, 2021

Kentucky Plug

A sexual move that plug the partners' holes.

He kentucky plugged her real good.

by AssortedValor May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

Any sex act inolving only the thumb on your right hand

He kentucky Plugged me last night

by May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

Sticking your thumb in your girls bum the same way scott from Kentucky ballistics sticks his thumb in his chest when his .50 cal blows up

Girlfriend: What should we do tonight?
Me:how about I give you the Kentucky plug?

by Plugherbum May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

Any sex act inolving only the thumb on your right hand and various holes

He Kentucky Plugged me last night

-Papa Kalash

by May 20, 2021

Kentucky plug

When you slap a girls ass while you’re blowing it out and you stick your thumb in it.

Yeah last night I took Brenda home and gave her that Kentucky plug.

by jv61705 May 21, 2021