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the american potato

The act of shaping a potato into a dildo and sticking in your buddies ass

Brian: hey Jake, give me the American potato
Jake: wtf, no bro

by Blyat_boi11 May 20, 2019

Potato math

Something that is both entirely pointless and unnecessarily complicated.

Guy 1 “it would take 12 banks of 240000 potatoes wired in series to start a car”

Guy 2 “quit doing potato math and get to work

by Prince Korr March 15, 2023

tuna potatoe

In the MMORPG Runescape, it is a members only food created via the cooking skill with a minimum level of 68.

The requred ingredients to create the Tuna Potatoe are:
-a Potatoe (can be baked as well)
-a bucket of milk (or pot of cream/Pat of butter)
-a tuna (can be raw)
-and sweetcorn (can be cooked Sweetcorn).

The process for creating the Tuna Potatoe upon gathering all of the listed Ingredients goes as follows:
1. (if you have the baked potatoe skip this step.) cook the raw potatoe on a range, granting you 15 cooking experience, and providing you with a baked potatoe.
2. (if you have "pat of butter" skip this step.) using the milk or cream, churn the milk/pot of cream into a pat of butter. (this grants you 40.5 cooking experience, or 20 experience if using the cream.)
3. Use the butter on the potatoe to make the baked potatoe. (Granting you 40 experience in cooking.)
4. (if you have a cooked tuna, skip this step.) Cook the raw tuna on a fire, or a range in order to have a cooked tuna, or just "Tuna." (succesfully cooking this will grant you 100 experience.)
5. (if you have Cooked sweetcorn, skip this step.) Cook an ear of sweetcorn on a range to make cooked sweetcorn (grants 104 experience).
6. using a knife, use a bowl or the knife on the cooked tuna to produce a bowl of chopped tuna.
7. Use the bowl of tuna on the sweetcorn, resulting in a bowl of tuna and corn.
8. Use the tuna and corn topping on the potato with butter to make a tuna potato .

I needed some food to Train My defense, I think i will get some tuna potatoe's.

by Syrup11 June 14, 2017

Social Potato

An amazing and kind person who loves Cheetos and loves to be happy and annoying!!

Your a social potato for giving me cash cash money cash cash.

by Social Potato April 25, 2019

Potato Head

Slang term to describe transgenders. The toy company Hasbro attempted to neuter it's popular toy Mr. Potato Head by taking away his gender and just referring to him as "Potato Head". But meme warfare ensued and quickly beat Hasbro into submission. Hasbro folded and now will be keeping the "Mr." but looks like they will have a non-binary option called Potato Head leaving quick-witted anons no choice but to refer to transgenders as "potato heads".

That potato head Rachel Levine is actually advocating for three year olds to receive sex change operations. How disgusting and evil of a person must one be to rationalize this as normal behavior?

by Seas to exist February 26, 2021

potato head

A person who judges someone else because of their own arrogance without looking in the mirror at their own potato brain in their potato head on their potato body in their couch, potato selves.

Redditor: why is that guy being so idiotic in this game. He’s so trash at it he might as well quit. This is not what this game is about. Did you actually READ the handbook?!!!!!!?????

Me: ok potato head

by masPene March 21, 2021

Potato Head

A Russian-Kazakh Minecraft nerd who calls you 'Fucking Donkey' and shouts at you when you move 1 pixel in the wrong direction in Minecraft, and who's name might or might not be 'Ivan'.

Guy 1: i'm going to build a functioning chair in my Minecraft survival world
Potato Head: You fucking donkey stop it you're wasting time you don't need it just kill the iron golem you donkey!
Guy 1: Ok Potato Head

by Neovenatoor May 15, 2023