Source Code

post-pwnage depression

Depression caused or ensued by the action or result of being pwned.

After receiveing the beating of a life time, Jim experienced post-pwnage depression.

by venomfx April 5, 2006

28๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Post-Cinematic Paranoia

The paranoia you receive after watching a horror movie.

Mostly affects your reality and gives you the thought of being in the position of the main character in the movie, or being a target of the being which makes the movie scary.

Paranormal Activity is what inspired this word, for it is the perfect example.
After watching the movie, viewers are more alert to the slightest noises and fear that they are the target for a haunting, hence, Post-Cinematic Paranoia.

by SleepsWithOneEyeOpen November 24, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

post-party depression

the low you hit after a great party

dan: dude, why you so bummed? that party was great!
john: just post-party depression

by kitty!! December 27, 2010

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post-traumatic sex

Having sex after a life-threatening or risky situation.

Post traumatic sex fucking rules!

by Duke January 22, 2003

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post exam dump

The first shit you take after finishing all of your final exams. Also referred to as one of the greatest shits you will ever take, as your shit carries out your stress from preparing and cramming for exams.

Dan: Yo, Nick, I just finished my last exam man! I'm gonna go home and take a post exam dump!
Nick: That's awesome man! You gotta savor those shits!

by Da Pimp Hand January 29, 2014

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Post-Slut Disorder

The feeling you get after breaking up with a slut. This includes reminiscing, regret, and flashbacks of things you've done with her.

"Dude, I can't stop thinking about her. It was such an amazing night... but I should completely forget about her. She's such a dirty whore... Ugh. I can't get over my Post-Slut Disorder."

by als21 December 13, 2009

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Post-Shartum Depression

The depressing feeling one gets after excreting a log the size of a small child.

Joe: Ted are you ok?
Ted: I've been having anxiety attacks since this morning after I dropped a huge duece.
Joe: Man, you better see a doctor. I think you have Post-Shartum Depression.

by rustachio April 25, 2009

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