Source Code

Show them the ropes

of opera origin, many back stage ropes control curtains and other theater devices.

I needed to show them the ropes before they could work backstage.

by tracy volney December 9, 2005

48πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

punk show

A concert where a whole bunch of punk teens go and mosh to hardcore screaming singers and insane guitar riffs. The punks will usually dress up in hardcore punk clothing to fit in as much as possible. Includes moshpits, and lots of headbanging.

guy 1:dood, did u go to that punk show last night?
guy 2:yah man. it was freackin A.

by freakshow. June 9, 2006

3πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

showing signs of wear

- A term used to describe the condition of an object, where the condition is beyond the observer’s ability to accurately assess what is wrong or how to fix it.
- A vague statement used to try and trick others into thinking that something is not as bad as it really is.
- A phrase used by technically challenged, and/or by motivationally challenged persons to describe the condition of an object.
- Using the statement "showing signs of wear" is in fact showing signs of wear.

- a light not working, being described as "showing signs of wear"

by 0247 September 6, 2011

30πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Object show

Shittiest show on youtube with shittiest fanbase and community

Me : Object Show sucks
Some object show fag : OMG U SUX!!!!!!!11!11!1! 4 H8ING OBJECT SHOW
Me : Are you retarded lmfao.

by _T3HC0MPUT3R_ August 24, 2017

19πŸ‘ 177πŸ‘Ž

Show me the lie

Please point out how what I am saying or what is presented is not true. A means of saying in another tongue, I am not wrong.

β€œDude your post about last night had me dead!”
β€œShow me the lie”

by AustynX November 22, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

shit show

Arlene Cotto

People who drunk text funny shit frequently, people who "shake their shit", that person who always says yes when someone asks if anyone needs a beer.

"Damn did you that shit show last night?"
"yeah man she was shaking her shit and chugging beer"

by belienaaa October 19, 2011

2πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


a move used during foreplay usually by the man in strait relations and the more agressive partner in same sex relations. A persons' hand travels from one sexually arousing spot on their partners' body to another

When i got Jane in bed I gave her the show-me-around to get things warmed up

by OutofthisWorld March 13, 2008

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž