She is now toast. Just cause.
ex 1) Hey what's up toast?
ex 2) Nothing much, just seeing how many people I can get to call me toast.
The definition of cool, but toast
person 1: “He’s so toast, i wanna be toast like him.”
person: “that’s not very toast of you”
The only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning is the thought of a crispy, warm toast. How it crunches when you bite it, the way the butter melts into it and how you can literally put everything on top.
Toast is the one good I could and will eat every day.
Don’t talk to me I haven’t have my toast yet.
Frizzy hair, late every day, pants to the belly button, and looks kind of like Doug Funny. Has the personality of a literal piece of toast.
"Hey look at Toasty rolling up to class an hour late."
"Toast sucks."
To fuck up; make a mistake
Can also be used as a verb
"Wow failed my maths test again, really toasted that one"
"Such a try hard,that boy is really just toast"
A magical food that when you put bread in a toaster it becomes toast and is no longer bread
Person:hey Nate you wanna go get food
Nate: no thanks I would sit in a closet witting music and eating this magical good called toast