Source Code

Too Tact

To be too good or too crazy at something

Yo he’s too tact at basketball

by dunfry pickle November 12, 2023

dont cop too mutch

it meens ur cop mode is way too much! tone it down a bit buddy.... you're not a copper . . . dot dot dot

bruh! dont cop too mutch!

by misterhacer November 2, 2022

Too much sauce on the chips

Too much weed in the zute

I can’t smoke that there too much sauce on the chips

by How about it July 4, 2024

Too Much Tina

Playing video games 50+ hours a week

I was on too much Tina mode all week and got nothing done.

by Beast of Ark February 22, 2016

Too Legit Midget

A company that employees midgets during the seaons that they are not employed as elves. The midgets help people with disabilities which makes them letgit midgets and helps them make money.

"Yo I paid that midget to help me walk across the street! That midget is too legit!"


"You got a too legit midget?!"

Made famous by the Covino and Rich show

by Too Legit June 6, 2012

looty tooty too

A phrase that crazy people use to express joy (can also be used as a code word for if your being possessed, haunted or accidentally summoned a demon)

Looty tooty too! I’m joyous

*cough* looty tooty too *cough*

by Latitatita September 22, 2020


The word "epistem" comes from the Greek "epistem" for "knowledge and understanding," and the word "logos" comes from the Greek for "study of."

The word "epist-me-too" comes from (your language) for "knowledge and understanding that I have too" and the word "logos" comes from the Greek for "study of."

epist-me-too-ology: the study of the knowledge and understanding that I have too.

You studied epistemology, but I studied epist-me-too-ology; therefore, I know and understand what you know and understand too.

by Pseudonymthewild@gmail.com December 25, 2012