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Slutty Touch

Slutty touch is a skill game in which two or more players compete using extremely fast firing electronic paintball markers to land a perfect score of 1 qloader directly onto the windshields of oncoming vehicles, the sluttiest possible touch being a perfect score (cunt) or 100/100.

i challenge you to a slutton duel

I A SLUTTY TOUCH!? just a little bit cunty much?? a whore who gets the score indeed a touch! a touch! a touch!!

by robotlegcommando January 27, 2012

stories that touch

sad stories that touch the heart or elicit sympathy

Whenever you go on a date, make sure you have your credit card, to avoid stories that touch. Just in case your date bails on you and leaves you with the bill!

by ghad0922 September 22, 2024

No Touch Knockout

The term No Touch Knockout refers to a prominent martial arts scam technique which advertises a "no touch knockout master"'s ability to knock someone asleep with "magical powers" , "ancient energy techniques" or anything synonymous with those examples. This martial arts scam is less prominent nowadays, however it still happens on a shallow basis.

B : "have you heard of this new guy named Steven Seagal? He's such a great Aikidoka"
J : "he's probably just some no touch knockout master. "

by Тимофей March 24, 2023

Shidas touch

A very, VERY unlucky person. Everything they set out to do or achieve never comes through or ever works out. Everthing they touch turns to crud.

This can also be passed down though generation to generation and is among some of the most unfortunate traits known to man or sloth.

"Don't let Timmy do it, he has the Shidas touch"

"She better not have your Shidas touch!"


by nimsayy June 5, 2018

Chinese Butt-Touch

When you touch your butt ten times fast. (See also Russian Butt-Touch).

Have you done the Chinese butt-touch?

by Dengus69 August 4, 2016

Touch a stiffy

When a heaps rough person leaves a nightclub in his undies asks ppl for a favour on their way to work but gets in a fight with a lawyer that’s also a secret ninja

That dude pitched a tent in his ripped undies and left the nightclub to touch a stiffy bro now we can’t say if he’s been knocked out or he’s having a Power Nap

by Hectic Mooslie October 8, 2023

Touch money!

term - used when parting ways, in place of goodbye. indicates that you should always keep money close at hand or it can serve as a reminder to always stay on that paper chase.

"A'ght main, take care! Touch money!"

by Brandaids May 7, 2021