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Loner Boner

A loner boner is when you get a boner/masturbate to fictional characters because you're lonely and don't have anyone in real life

Guy 1 "Bro, I was playing Persona 5 the other day, and got a boner when i saw Futaba."
Guy 2 "Damn, i thought you said you had a girlfriend."
Guy 1 "I do."
Guy 2 "Then why did you get a loner boner?"
Guy 1 "ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ"

by visherin March 7, 2020

Hate Boner

(noun) a hatred so evident it simulates a similar desire of a sexual aspiration. In other words, what Nathan has for Rudy Gobert.

Angelo: Chill out with the hate boner, bro.

by VeanSSJ5 March 30, 2022

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Trashy boner

An unwanted boner which someone gets in a public place is known as a trashy boner

Karen called me a simp for getting a trashy boner

by someduck69 November 30, 2022

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Boner Day

boner day is day when eminem make boner song or even boner album

example of boner day
person 1: it is boner day
person 2: yay

by bonerinem December 12, 2019

Nerd Boner

A nerdy attraction to a game or comic

Yo, I have such a nerd boner for the new Monster Hunter game

by Purest Dragon December 15, 2017

moany boner

When you have a boner, but it's so strong that you moan.

Why are you so load?
It's because im so hard and have a moany boner

by Shinny momma February 6, 2015

Boner Pilot

When a guy is horny with a girl and loses all sense of conscious thought. Basically he starts thinking with his dick instead of his brain.

Damn, Johnny was on boner pilot our entire date last night. ๐Ÿ˜’

by Waltzer_ March 24, 2016