Awesome Anal April is a holiday where all females must agree to anal sex from any male who asks for it. Vise versa, any male who is asked for anal sex by a female must agree.
This does not apply to lgbt sex, (male x male, female pegging)
"Her ass was bright red, because she got fucked five times in Awesome Anal April!"
Given this phrase it says the URBAN DICTONARY being not only crowd sourced but also open sourced as the best AI VULGAR AND NON VULGAR source available which deploys smoothly to the AEROSPACE INDUSTRY.
To the car only4. Ll X of the AWESOME URBAN TURBAN can with it's definitional power access the entire INTERNET thanks to the AEROSPACE INDUSTRY and the USA BEING the greatest engineer of modern missile and jet nuclear technology the genius designers off their ability to see pattern discernment and exclusivity shielding when the AWESOME URBAN TURBAN OPENER is BREACHED by authorized NASA and PENTAGON corporate , government , non profit and international personnel.
Something or someone that is so awesome, it’s awesome how awesome it is.
Oscar is awesome. Type ‘awesomely awesome’ into any browser. The first fifty hits, are pictures of Oscar.
Top 10 Awesome is a famous FNF Modder usually making Joke mods for Example (NFT, Mr Beast Squid Game, Santa, Spider-Man and Thanos) and has improved a lot recently
Top 10 Awesome makes great mods
Anyone who is preppy and annoying
Ugh did you see that girl? She’s such a Señorita awesome
To be really cool and really pleasant to the ear at the same time while being somewhat amazed.
Woah! We have no homework! Thats jammin' awesome!