A kid in her/his teens that love old classic movies, actors, music, or tv shows. Vintage kids are mostly girls in there teens and 20's. This isn't a 'label' they don't wear vintage jeans, and such its just what the person likes and they don't care even if other girls think Brad Pitt is hot and they think James Dean is the ugliest thing in the the world.
Boy- James Dean is my hero!
Girl- You like James Dean?
Boy- Yeah!
Vintage Kid Love <3
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weird, loud, smelly kids who hang in an area of the school refered to as the pit, often found making out or playing childish games
also a band: The Sexualy Active Pit Kids.
girl: Look at those weird pit kids.
boy: this band is insane... what are they called.
girl: the sexualy active pit kids
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A humbling sub-type of friend zone where a usually older person calls you “kid” after you’ve hit on/flirted with them. This form of rejection is condescending in a way that lets the receiver know that the person thinks you’re not on their level of maturity and thus they are above fucking with you or dating you. May also be reinforced with some act or statement that directly or passively implies they are dominant over you in terms of finances, resources, independence etc.
Jake: Hey, Jenny you’re looking beautiful as always. Would you like to get lunch with me?
Jenny: thanks kid, sure it’ll be my treat and then I can drop you off at your parents house if you want. Ya know since you don’t have a car.
Jake: uh ok..thanks.....wait did I just get kid zoned??? Son of a bitch!
A kid whos annoying as hell, loves skin cults, and plays gorilla tag nonstop.
I'm a Pavlov kid, I love saying slurs like the N word! I also just started middle school.
scene boy: very tight skinny jeans, tight band tees, black vans, dark hoodies, dark straight hair sometimes hanging over their eyes, piercings and tattoos, studded belts, saggin pants so you can see their boxers, friendship bracelets, guages, listens to screamo or post hardcore, goes to shows and listens to local screamo bands, SExXY, SExXY, SExXY, usually a very fun and friendly personality if they like you, sometimes straightedge, oh and they are extremely SExXY,SExXY, SExXY
scene kid walks past group of girls
girls:"omg he's beyond sexy"
scene kid: smiles and keeps walking to look cool
A kid that went to the school of science and technology in beaverton, oregon. These kids typically have edgelord humor and have an unhealthy obsession with memes. They wear the same jacket/sst hoodie every day despite being more privileged than most of their peers. These kids put minimum effort into their work yet ace all their classes. Some sst kids may have at some point in their hs years owned a wheely backpack. They all sound like a white dad.
Person 1: I went on a date with this guy but... idk bro he had sst kid vibes
Person 2: broo what eww... was he into like memes and all that?
Person 1: ya man he sounded like a white dad.