The 30,000 strong zulu army used to prepare itself for battle by using the infamous zulu bull attack. Used successfully against the British army in the first part of war for control of zululand (insouth east Africa; south Africa, Lesotho, Mozambique, Swazailand) until effective counters after the first few battles.
The attack was really just a clever formation, where the forces would divides themselves into four equal pieces.
Three of the pieces would line up, closely packed, next to eachother. These would represent the head of the bull and it's horns. The other 25% would be behind the head, fairly spaced out, to give the impression of massiveness. These represented the body.
The head and horns would march slowly toward the enemy, and once within 250 metres, the head would rush the enemy to test it's firepower. After many of the head had fallen, the rest could then rush and the enemy would also. But the horns would move faster than the head,a nd surround the enemy. This left themwith two choices;
β’retreat, which was near impossible. Zulu always made sure there was a slope nearby so the enemy would have trouble with this
β’Rush into the remaining head and through the body. This would ultimately spell doom.
The weakness in this form of attack was that it relied on the enemy doing something. The British army eventually figured that it should stay still and only shoot at 100 yards, thus securing victory at many battles, notably the origianal test at Rorke's drift, where 140 soldiers, 36 of which were wounded, defeated 4500 Zulu by killing almost half.
The zulu bull attack was devastating to all but the most disciplined of soldiers, who could easily pick off the attackers from distance.
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what a porchdog does when they have anger management issues
since porchdogs dont understand how to deal with their anger constructively, they may find some sort of release in a trump tweet attack; however they only make pundits out of themselves, and shouldn't be considered intellectual equals
74π 54π
when you wack your sack against the wall of a vagina until it turns blue.
Dude why are you limping?
i gave my girlfriend one mean blue sack attack, and i still havent recovered.
8π 3π
Popular slang in Australia for a closet homo who trys to get it on with a straight guy after he has had a few drinks. A guy who starts busting out gay moves and queer comments when he's on the drink.
That dirty homo he was really blind and tried to d mac attack me. Everytime that guy has a few drinks he tries to pull some d mac moves on me. I would try to avoid that guy i think he is in the closet he always trys to pull the guinea on me when hes pissed.
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Also known as the famous Canadian poop eater. Made his first million by selling VHS tapes to Japan on which he ate green and brown shit.
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The moment that deep virgins feel like their heart has increased its speed and you are unable to properly speak words and are incredibly flustered from seeing something that they are attracted to start hitting on them or flirting with them or approaching them.
Friend 1: Why is he acting like that over his crush flirting with him.
Friend 2: He's having a Virgin panic attack.
When you walk yo high ass into mcdonalds and take a peek at that menu like 'lemme get a muhfuckin uhhh' and you glance at them beautiful ass chicken nuggets and you stop. you stare, you envy. so you retrieve those nuggets. you gain so much nuggetry that it sends you into cardiac arrest.