A delicious drink which is consumed in the same style as a "Jager-Bomb", but with Bacardi Rum and Red Bull instead of Jager.
"Yo man those Bat-Bombs were off the HOOK last night!"
A crazy and usually angry old lady.
My grandmother in law is a crazy bat.
To take base hits galore against the Pitching team destroying them.
Wow the Arizona Diamondbacks sure Batting Ass against the Colorado Rockies.
inserting a wifflebat into your friends anus, then proceeding to go crazy while going in and out then proceeding to jizz, throw up, and piss on the bat. After all that, you feed it to them
Person 1: "Look Cole fell asleep"
Person 2: "Im gonna give him a maryland wiffleball bat"
When two people, typically baseball players shove a baseball bats in their anus while the other puts a baseball in their anus. They then proceed to pass gas aggressively causing the bat and ball to fling out, ball hitting the bat.
To text vigorously with someone.
Used by local kids When someone does texting with a person all the time.
He: John is texting with her all the day
Me: No, He is batting with her.
A type of crazy beyond normal crazy. More "out there", "in their own world" kimd of crazy.
She saw him with that woman, and she went "bat shit crazy" on his ass. Everything went downhill from there.